Website Changes

I finally took the plunge and moved my and domains to a new web site dedicated solely to my photography. After a few weeks of learning the new platform and trying to make everything exactly as I wanted, I finally decided that I had to act and make the move, otherwise I would never finish. By making the move I am forcing myself to get things functional and not worry about perfection. Over time I will be providing additional blog content over there detailing my workflow process and will add more selections from my most popular photographs.

All photos are available for on line purchase or I can be contacted directly with any questions or assistance. I can also provide a variety of personalized formats not available on line.

This site is now and I will continue to update with content from hiking and photography projects.

Enjoy!!! Comments are always welcome….

Keith Corson

Landscape Photographer living in Maine. I am also an outdoor enthusiast. Love hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, running, kayaking, etc. ad nauseum. I am a Network Engineer for a research facility in Bar Harbor, Maine during the 'day'.

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